Currently in the pipe market we have a great variety, manufactured from different raw materials and largely according to the type of fluid to be conducted.
In this blog I will focus on the conduction of drinking water, a vital resource for the human being, that since there are data has been transported drinking water for human consumption.

A factor that affects the pipes that transport this fluid is corrosion, and mainly in metal pipes, for this it is more advisable to use plastic pipes such as HDPE, in this type of material we do not have the presence of this factor, which unlike the metal pipe requires a replacement in a short period and with a plastic pipe we have a longer useful life.

For this type of pipes we have the joining methods mainly thermofusion and electrofusion, the first one is one of the most used, but at the same time one of the most neglected, that is to say the practice of the process is left much to carelessness by installers, because the welder who performs this procedure must have adequate preparation and knowledge to perform the welding well, this pipe is still a good option to present a situation of these.
Improve the processes or let the work be done by experts and with equipment in good condition will be the best, remember that water is a vital resource for our consumption "let's save water by avoiding leaks" and improving pipelines.